Is Atropine as Premedication Necessary for Cholecystectomy with Epidural Block? 唐洁 Jie Tang 云南省个旧市人民医院麻醉科 云南个旧 661000 Department of Anesthesia, Gejiu People's Hospital, Gejiu City, Yunnan 661000 China <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effects of atropine for preventing cholecysto-heart reflex in cholecystectomy as premedication. Methods: 80 patients, ASA I-II, scheduled for cholecystectomy, were randomly allocated into two groups. Patients in group A (n=40) received intramuscular atropine 0.5mg 30 min before anesthesia, while patients in group B (n=40) did not. Operation was performed under continuous epidural block with 1.5% lidocaine in both group. The changes of heart rate, blood pressure, ECG and SpO2 were recorded during surgery. Results: The incidence of cholecysto-heart reflex in Group A and B is similar (47.5% VS 52.5%) without significant difference between the groups. Conclusion: Atropine is not recommended as a premedication for cholecystectomy. Key words: Atropine; Premedication; Cholecysto-heart reflex Correspinding author: Jie Tang; 硬膜外麻醉下行胆道手术经常发生胆心反射,致使病人发生危险。多年来,阿托品一直作为麻醉前用药以期来防止迷走神经反射,但存在争议。本文对比观察术中血流动力学的变化,评价阿托品作为麻醉前用药预防胆心反射的临床价值。 资料与方法 一般资料及分组: 选择80例胆囊结石病人, 其中男14例, 女66例, 年龄24-64岁, 体重44-65kg, ASA分级Ⅰ-Ⅱ级, 无特殊病史。病人被随机分为两组, 每组40例,A组为对照组, 术前不用阿托品, B组为用药组, 术前30分肌注阿托品0.5mg。 麻醉方法与监测: 选择硬膜外麻醉, 穿刺间隙为胸9-10, 局麻药采用1.5%利多卡因,痛觉消失平面胸4-12, 肌松满意, 麻醉手术中监测心电图、心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)及脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)。记录麻醉前、切皮、进腹、分离牵拉胆囊时HR及MAP。凡术中分离牵拉胆囊时出现心动过缓(HR<60bpm), 或较基础值减慢≥20%, 和/或血压下降及心律失常者定为胆心反射阳性。立即暂停手术操作, 静注阿托品0.5mg或麻黄素15mg, 待HR和MAP恢复正常后继续手术。 结 果 一、两组间年龄、体重、手术时间和麻醉前HR、MAP值无差异(P>0.05)。 二、对照组术中发生胆心反射21例,占52.5%。用药组发生19例, 占47.5%,两组间胆心反射发生率无差异(P>0.05)。 三、术中两组病人,同时点HR和MAP的变化均无差异。 |