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基础与临床研究 >文章正文
The Influence of Surgical Sites on Early Postoperative Hypoxemia in Adults Undergoing Elective Surgery<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 林烨 王培山 薛富善 李平 孙海涛 佟世义 廖旭 江苏省昆山市人民医院麻醉科,江苏省昆山215300 河南省新乡市中心医院,河南省新乡市453000 中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学整形外科医院麻醉科,北京100041 Ye Lin. Pei-shan wang . Fu-shan Xue ,Ping Li,Hai-too Sun,Shi-yi Tong,Xu Liao. Department of Anesthesiology, The Kunshan People’s Hospital,Kunshan 215300,Jiangsu Province. Department of Anesthesiology,The Xinxiang Centrai Hospital,Xinxiang 453000,Henan Province. Department of Anesthesiology,piastic Surgery Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medicai Sciences and Peking Union MedicalCollege,Beijing 100041 |
ABSTRACT<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Objective:To determine the influence of the surgical sites on early postoperative hypoxemia in aducts. Methods:994 ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱadult patients,aged 18~68 years and scheduled for various kinds of elective surgery,were divided into three groups on the basis of the surgical sites:Group Ⅰ,elective superficial plastic surgery(n=228);Group Ⅱ,upper abdominal surgery(n=452);and Group Ⅱ,thoracoabdominal surgery (n=254).Anesthesia was maintained with 1%~2% enflurane and 67%nitrous oxide in oxygen; thiopental or fentanyl was given i.v.as required.Arterial oxygen saturation(SpO2)levels wererecorded while patients were recorded while patients were breathing room air shortly after arrival in the recovery room(0min),and 5,10,15,20,30,40,50,60,120,and 180min thereafter. Results:During the early postoperative period,the degree of arterial desaturation and the incidences of hypoxemia(SpO2=86%~90%)and severe hypoxemia (SpO2≤85%)were closely related to the operative sites,with the greatest level for thoracoabdominal operation,less for the upper abdominal operation and least for the peripheral surgery.The incidence of hypoxemia and severe hypoxemia in the recovery room were 7%and 0.7%respectively in Group Ⅰ,38%and 3% in GroupⅡ,and 52%and 20% in Group Ⅲ.Mild airway obstruction and hypothermia in the postanaesthetic recovery unit were the predictive factors of early postoperative hypoxemia. Conclusions:The severity of arterial desaturation and the incidence of hypoxemia during early postoperative period are closely related to the surgical sites,and are strongest for thoracoabdominal surgery, less for upper abdominal surgery and least for peripheral surgery. Key words:Surgical site;Early postoperative period;Hypoxemia Corresponding author:Fu-shan Xue;E-mail:fruitXue@yahoo.com.cn
材料与方法<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 选择ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级施择期手术的成年患者944例,年龄18~68岁。根据手术部位将他们分为3组:Ⅰ组为施体表整形外科手术的患者(n=288例);Ⅱ组为施上腹部手术的患者(n=452例);Ⅲ组为施胸腹联合手术的患者(n=254例)。患者的一般资料见表1。本资料不包括患有心肺疾病、有长期吸引史和贫血(血红蛋白<8g/L)的患者,体重超出标准体重10%的患者亦排除在外。标准体重(kg)的计算方法为50+0.9×(身高-152)(男性)或45.4+0.9×(身高-152)(女性)。 麻醉前1h肌肉注射地西泮0.2mg/kg(最大10mg)和东莨菪碱5ug/kg。采用硫喷妥钠4~6mg/kg、芬太尼5ug/kg和琥珀胆碱1.5mg/kg诱导麻醉,气管插管;然后吸入1%~2%恩氟烷-67%N2O-O2维持麻醉,间断静脉注射维库溴铵或潘库溴铵维持肌肉松弛。手术中采用机械通气(潮气量8~10ml/kg,频率12~15次/min),并持续监测ECG、心率、血压和SpO2。Ⅲ组患者手术中还需进行单肺通气,但在此期间不再使用N2O,并维持呼末CO2分压在正常水平。 麻醉结束时,全部患者均在停吸N2O后以100%氧通气至少5min,并采用新期的明0.07mg/kg。采用硫喷妥钠4~6mg/kg、芬太尼5ug/kg和琥珀胆碱1.5mg/kg诱导麻醉,间断静脉注射维库溴铵或潘库溴铵维持肌肉松弛。手术中采用机械通气(潮气量8~10ml/kg,频率12~15次/min)并持续监测ECG、心率、血压和SpO2。Ⅲ组患者手术中还需进行单肺通气,但在此期间不再使用N2O,并维持呼末CO2分压在正常水平。 麻醉结束时,全部患者均在停吸N2O后以100%氧通气至少5min,并采用新期的明0.07mg/kg和啊托品0.03mg/kg拮抗参与肌肉松弛作用;待患者的上呼吸道保护性反射和呼吸功能恢复满意后,在手术室内拔管。然后评估其呼吸道状况并用面罩吸100%氧3~5min,再以头低5℃位将患者送回麻醉恢复室。到达麻醉回复室即可(0min)和5、10、15、20、30、40、50、60、120和180min时,记录患者呼吸空气状态下的SpO2。根据SpO2水平将患者分类为:①无低氧症(SpO2≥91%);②低氧血症(SpO2=86%~90%);③严重低氧血症(SpO2≤85%)[1]。如果SpO2降低至85%,立即用面罩给100%氧。在麻醉恢复室,由专门的工作人员观察并记录患者的呼吸功能状态,呼吸道梗阻程度的评分如下:①无;②轻度(轻度鼾声但通气满意);③中度(需要体位的变化或者鼻咽通气道);④严重(梗阻性呼吸停止或伴随通气紊乱的重度鼾声或需要再次气管插管)。 全部数据输入计算机,并用上海科技出版社编撰的POMS统计学程序进行分析。统计学方法包括方差分析、t检验和卡方检验析等。P<0.05为有显著性差异。 结 果 除住院时间之外,各组患者的基本情况无明显差异,(表1).所有患者均顺利完成手术,手术中无严重失血发生,Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组患者的平均失血量分别为(315±187)ml、(298±124)ml和(375±164)ml,各组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。Ⅲ组患者手术中应用单肺通气的时间为(1.2±0.8)h(45min~2.2h)。 到达麻醉恢复室时,除有65例患者表现有轻度上呼吸道梗阻外,其余所有患者通气良好。Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组患者轻度上呼吸道梗阻的发生率分别为5.6%、7.1%和6.7%,各组间无明显差异。三组患者中无中度或严重上呼吸道梗阻或需要人工通气支持的情况发生,亦无患者因手术中应用芬太尼而出现潮气量充足但呼吸频率小于10次/min的呼吸抑制现象。 |
本研究和其他许多研究均证实,患者在手术后早期容易发生严整的动脉脱氧饱和[],提示在此期间应严密监视低氧血症的发生,并积极进行治疗,尤其是对实施上腹部手术和胸腹联合手术的患者更应如此。在没有可靠动脉氧合监测的情况下,所有全身麻醉患者在手术后早期均应常规给予吸氧[17],但随着脉搏氧饱和仪应用的普及,对麻醉恢复室血氧饱和度满意饱和且发生低氧血症危险很小的患者也可不必常规进行氧治疗[18]在本研究中,当患者的SpO2≤85%时,给予氧治疗均能有效提行高其SpO2值至安全水平,避免低氧血症危害的发生。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 总之,本研究证实手术后早期动脉脱氧饱和的严重性以及低氧血症的发生率和持续时间均与手术部位关系密切,其中以胸腹部联合手术后出现的这种变化最为明显,上腹部手术次之,而外周手术则最轻微。这一结果提示,在手术后早期应严密监测患者低氧血症的发生,并及时给予治疗,即使在实施简单择期整形外科手术的健康成年患者亦应如此,而对于实施上腹部手术和胸腹联合手术的患者则尤其必要。 参 考 文 献 1. Canet J,Ricos M and Vidal F.Early postoperativearterial oxygen.desaturation: Determining factors and response to oxygen therapy.Anesth Analg 1989;69:207-12 2. Murray RS,Ramer DB,Morris RW.Supplemental oxygen after ambula tory surgical procedures.Anesth Analg 1988;67:967-70 3. Meiklejohn BH, Smith LG, Elling AE, Hindocha N. Arterial desaturation during postoperative transportation: the influence of operative site. Anaes thesia 1987; 42: 1313-15. 4. Oh TE. Postoperative hypoxemia: IN: Atkinson RS and Adams AP, eds. Recent Advances in Anaesthesia and Analgesia(17). Churchill, Edinburgh, 1992: 103-17. 5. Craig DB. Postoperative recovery of pulmonary function. Anesth Analg 1981;60: 46-52. 6. Motoyama EK, Glazener CH. Hypoxemia after general anesthesia in children. Anesth analg 1986; 65: 267-72. 7. Tyler IL, Tantisira B, Winter PM, et al. Continuous monitorng of arterial oxygen saturation with pulse oximetery during transfer to the recovery room. Anesth Analg 1985; 64: 1108-12. 8. Knudsen J. Duration of hypoxaemia after uncomplicated upper abdominal and thoracoabdomianal operation. Anaesthesia 1970; 25: 372-7. 9. Marshall BE, Wyche MQ. Hypoxemia during and after anesthesia. anesthesiology 1972; 37: 78-209. 10. Knill RL, Manninen PH, Clement JL. Ventialation and chemoreflexes during enflurane sedation and anaesthesia in man. can anaesth Soc J 1979; 26: 353-356. 11. Bishop DGM, McKeown KC. Postoperative hypoxaemia: Oesophagectomy with gastiric replacenent. Br J Surg 1979; 66: 810-12. 12. Ali J,Weisel KD,Layug AB,et al.Consequences of postoperative alterations in respiratory mechanics.Am J Surg 1974;128:376-87. 13. Alexander JI,Spence AA,Parikn PK,et al.The role of airway closure in postoperative hypoxemia.Br J Anaesth 1973;45:34-40. 14. Jonmarker C,Nordstrom L, Werner O.Changes in functional residual capacity during cardiac surgery. Br J Anaesth 1986;58:428-432. 15. Kataria BK,Harnik EV,Mitchard R.Postoperative arterial oxygen saturation in the pediatric population during transportation. Anesth analg 1988;67:280-2. 16. Pullerits J, burrows FA,Roy WL.Arterial desaturation in health children during transfer to the recovery room. Can J Anaesth 1987;34:470-3. 17. Fairley HB. Oxygen therapy for surgical patients.Am Rev Respir Dis 1980;122:5(pt.2)37-44. 18. DiBenedeto RJ, Craves SA,Gravenstein N, Konicek C,Pulse oximetry monitoring can change routine oxygen supplementation practices in the postanesthesia care unit. Anesth Analg 1994l;78:365-368. |