来源: 2010-08-24 09:06:48

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Application of transoesophageal echocardiography during anesthesia and cardiovascular surgery


史宏伟 徐晨婕 杨海基 葛亚力 斯妍娜 魏海燕 朱健明


Shi Hong wei,Xu Chen jie,Yan Hai ji,et al

Department of A nesthesiology,NanJing First Hospital Affiliated to NanJing Medical University. Nanjing 2.0006 CHINA



  Objective:To evaluate the value of transoesophageal echocardiography (TEE)applied to the patients undergoing anesthesia and cardiovascular surgery.

  Methods:2-D transoesophageal echocardiography was used in 122 patients. The criteria were as follows (1)41 patients undergoing valve replaced according to the degrees of regurgitation and/ or stenosis were classified and the function of mechanical or biologic valves was evaluated postoperatively. (2)To observe the changes of heart function indices before and after off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting (OPCABG)in 48 cases: ①fractional area changes (FAC),②ratios of peak velocities of E wave versus peak velocities of A waves (E/ A),ratios of velocity time integrals of E wave versus velocity time integrals of A wave (VTIE/ VTIA),③deceleration times of E wave (DT),④cardic output index (CI). (3)Left ventricular wall motion (including anterior,posterior,lateral and ventricular septal wall)of 20 patients undergoing OPCABG. (4)To monitor the changes of heart structures and functions before and after heart surgery in patients with congenital heart disease.

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  Results:The damaged degrees of the valves detected by TEE corresponded well with those detected by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE),and the replaced valves were normally functioned postoperatively. The postoperative FAC,CI and VTIE/ VTIA (0.52 ±0.08,2.64 ±0.69 Lmin-1/m -2 and 1.29 ±0.18 )were significantly higher than those (0.42 ±0.09,2.05 ±0.48 Lmin-1/m -2 and 1.14 ±0.16)before surgery. Postoperative E/ A ratio 0.86 ±0.21 was significantly higher than that 0177 ±0.18 before. DT showed no significant changes. Of 48 OPCABG patients,ten percent with abnormal segmental wall had an greater than grade Ⅱbefore operation and five percent after surgery.

  Conclusion:TEE is an new and useful monitoring technic in patients undergoing cardiovascular surgery.

  Key words:Transoesophageal echocardiography(TEE);Cardiovascular surgery;Anesthesia;Monitoring


  近年来国内心血管手术发展迅速,推动了经食管超声心动图(TEE)在围术期的应用。TEE 用于早期诊断心肌缺血,评价瓣膜和心功能,指导临床治疗具有重要价值。



  一般资料2 年4~12 月,本组共选择性完成122 例TEE 监测,男87 例,女35 例。其中不停跳冠状动脉搭桥(CABG)48 例,主动脉瓣置换(AVR)7 例、二尖瓣置换(MVR)18 例,AVR 加MVR 14 例,CABG加AVR 2 例,房间隔缺损(ASD)4 例,室间隔缺损(VSD)15 例,法洛四联症(F4)8例,左房粘液瘤2 例,心脏移植2 例和升主动脉置换2 例。

  麻醉与监测方法:采用咪唑安定、芬太尼、哌库溴铵、丙泊酚加异氟醚静吸复合全身麻醉。用多功能监护仪(Agilent Anesthesia V26)连续监测ECG、桡动脉压(MAP)和体温等。搭桥和瓣膜置换患者置入Swan-Ganz 导管,美国CCO/ SvO2 监测仪(Baxter)连续测定心排血量(CO)和混合静脉血氧饱和度(S.vO2)等。

  TEE 检测方法和指标:全麻诱导气管内插管后将美国HP 5500 超声多普勒仪的TEE 探头经口腔置入食管。根据美国超声医学会(ASE)/ 美国心血管麻醉医师学会(SCA)围术期TEE 指南[1]施行TEE 检测。经食管上段(20~25 cm)、中段(35~40 cm)、胃(40~45 cm)和胃深(45~50 cm),多角度(0~180 度)、长短轴、多切面观察心脏和血管的动态结构与功能。主要观察指标: (1)41 例瓣膜置换评价二尖瓣和主动脉瓣返流狭窄程度〔二尖瓣狭窄(MS)(轻度1.8~2.5 cm2 、中度1.3~1.8 cm2 、重度< 1.3 cm2 );二尖瓣返流(MR)(轻< 0.2 、中0.2~0.4 、重> 0.4);主动脉瓣狭窄(AS)(轻1.5~2.0 cm2 、中1.0~1.5 cm2 、中重0.5~1.0 cm2 、严重< 0.5 cm2);主动脉瓣关闭不全(AI)(轻< 0.24 、中0.25~0.46 、中重0.46~0.64 、严重> 0.65)〕;术后机械或生物瓣活动情况。(2)48 例不停跳CABG患者手术前后心功能指标:面积减少分数(FAC)、左室短轴中乳头肌水平测量舒张末期面积(EDA)、收缩末期面积(ESA),计算(EDA-ESA)/ EDA ; E/ A 比率和VTIE/ VTIA 比率,90 度左心二腔切面。经二尖瓣尖用脉冲多普勒(PW)观察舒张早期充盈波(E波)和舒张晚期充盈波(A 波)的峰值流速,以及它们各自的流速时间积分(VTIE、VTIA),计算各自比率。E 波减速时间(DT)测量从E 波顶点到其返回基线的时间,与E/ A 比率同时测量;心脏指数(CI),经二维超声约120 度,测收缩末期主动脉内径(AO),PW 取样容积置同一水平测主动脉血流速度时间积分(AVTI),根据公式每搏量(SV)= 0.785 ×AO2 ×AVTI 和HR 与体表面积计算CI ;Swan-Ganz导管同步测CI,但本文未作统计。(3)心肌室壁运动分级,选择20 例射血分数(EF)小于45%CABG患者于手术前后分别评价左室短轴中乳头肌水平的室壁(前壁、后壁、侧壁和室间隔)运动情况。1 级(正常),2 级(减退),3 级(不运动),4 级(矛盾运动)。(4)监测先心病矫正前后和心脏移植前后的心脏结构与功能变化。

  统计分析:计量资料用均数±标准差()表示,采用SPSS 8.0 for windows 行t检验,P为有显著性差异。

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  41 例瓣膜置换中,TEE 显示35 例重度病变:AI3 例、AS 4 例、MR 4 例、MS 11 例、AS 加MS 7 例、AI 加MS 4 例和AI 加MR 2 例。6 例中度病变,其中AI 2 例、MR 3 例和AI 加MS 1 例。但术前经胸超声(TTE)均为重度病变。所有机械和生物瓣活动正常,无瓣周漏,但机械瓣有轻度中央型返流(表1,2)。

  TEE 的新发现包括1 例F4 术前TTE 未报ASD,而TEE 示1195 cmASD。原计划不停跳CABG,因TEE 示重度MR 需心肺转流(CPB)下MVR 加CABG 1例。右室双腔心1例。1例F4患者反复试脱离CPB 时,SpO2 突降至35%,右室收缩压90mmHg,TEE 示室上嵴肥厚,VSD修补不全,右室流出道严重狭窄,再次手术后顺利脱机。1例第3次心脏手术患者三尖瓣成形术后,术中TEE 示仍有中度三尖瓣返流,后改为瓣膜置换。



  TEE 在心血管手术中诊断的可靠性和作为一种监测手段辅助血液动力学的管理已得到广泛认可[1] 。本文将TEE 作为心血管手术中常规的监测方法,动态观察心脏的结构和功能。

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