来源: 2010-08-24 09:08:47

   Effect of ketamine on the activities of phosphodiestrases(PDE) in lung tissue and leukocyte of rats.ZHOU-Hai yan,ZHANG-Xiu lai,ZHOU Yi-feng,et al. Department of anesthesiology,The second Affiliated Hospital,Medical College of Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310009,China

   【AbstractObjective To investigate the effect of ketamine on the activities of phosphodiestrases in lung tissue and leukocyte of rat. Methods Twenty rat  were randomly divided into ketamine group(n=10) and control group(n=10). In ketamine groupketamine 10mg/kg was injected intraperitoneal. The PDE activities were detected by HPLC. Results The phosphodiesterase activities in lung tissue and leukocyte in ketamine group were both lower than those in control group (P0.01. Conclusions Ketamine can decrease phosphodiesterases activities in lung tissue and leukocyte of rats,thus reduce the resistance of airway.

    【Keywords   ketaminelungleucocytephosphodiesterase








实验材料  1)实验动物:雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠20只,体重140~160g,由浙江大学医学院实验动物中心提供。(2)实验试剂: cAMPSigma公司),氯胺酮为市售临床用药。其他试剂均为国产分析纯级。(3)实验仪器: 高效液相HP1100(惠普公司),检测器为二极管阵列紫外检测器(DAD),HP微机,hypersil ODS色谱柱4.0×250mmHP Inc, U S A)。

实验方法  大鼠随机分为对照组和氯胺酮组,每组10只。氯胺酮组:腹腔内注射氯胺酮麻醉剂量10mg/kg,对照组以等量的生理盐水。30 min后股动脉放血处死动物,收集血液,分离出外周血白细胞,超声破碎法制成酶样品。同时剪开胸腔,用生理盐水从下腔静脉灌洗,去除肺组织中残余血,剪取肺组织25mg,在电动玻璃匀浆器中制成匀浆,作为酶样品。两种酶样品均进行蛋白定量。

酶反应在含Mg2+Ca2+PBS液中进行,反应管中包含酶样品20μlcAMP1μmol/L,反应液总量200μl,反应管置于37水浴反应30min100水浴3min终止反应,12000 r/min 4离心30min,取上清液50μl进样,在高效液相色谱法(HPLC)中以外标法测量对照管和反应管中的底物含量,底物反应量(pmol=对照管-反应管。磷酸二酯酶活性=底物反应量/蛋白含量/反应时间,单位用pmol.mg-1.min-1表示。

标准曲线绘制  cAMP标准品溶于含Mg2+Ca2+PBS液,配制成浓度为0.μmol/L,于相同条件下进行测定,以浓度(C)为横坐标,cAMP的峰面积(RA)为纵坐标, cAMP的标准曲线RA=1.200C-0.2851r=0.9985)。

统计学分析  数据用x(——) ±表示,数据间比较采用两样本均数检验, P0.01为统计学有意义。


氯胺酮对大鼠外周血白细胞PDE活性的影响    氯胺酮可抑制大鼠外周血白细胞PDE水解cAMP的活性。氯胺酮组PDE活性为(181±52) pmol.mg-1.min-1,与对照组(273±61) pmol.mg-1.min-1相比,P0.01

氯胺酮对大鼠肺组织PDE活性的影响     氯胺酮可抑制大鼠肺组织PDE水解cAMP的活性。氯胺酮组PDE活性为(212±75)pmol.mg-1.min-1,与对照组(359±98) pmol.mg-1.min-1相比,P0.01



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