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综述与讲座 >文章正文
Anesthetic Considerations of Caesarean Section under General Anesthesia<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 姚允泰 综述 龚志毅 审校 ABSTRACT Within the last two decades,obstetric anesthesia has witnessed various changes in terms of techniques and philosophies. The popularity enjoyed by regional anesthesia has become so apparent that in some institutions general anesthesia is only reserved for some extremely specific situations. But general anesthesia still has its indications in caesarean section, which will be discussed in the review. Complications associated with caesarean section performed under general anesthesia are also among the coverage. 一、现 状 |
二、全麻适应证 |
三、全麻并发症 |
28. Akturk G, Kiral N, Barlak A, et al.The choice of anaesthetic technique for caesarean section does not affect plasma beta-endorphin levels in the neonate.Eur J Anaesthesiol. 1995;12(5):525-527. 作者简介:姚允泰,男,麻醉学硕士。2001年毕业于徐州医学院,现就读于中国协和医科大学。 责任作者:龚志毅,男,麻醉学教授,主任医师,硕士生导师。 |