来源: 2010-08-23 13:39:00

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Application of SEHNFUginsengaconiteinjection on postoperation of liver transplantation


宋青  江朝光  周飞虎

Song QingJiang ChaoguangZhou Feihu. Department of Surgical Intensive Care UnitGeneral Hospital of PLA,<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Beijing 100853China



  ObjectiveTo study the therapeutic action of SHENFUginsengaconiteinjection on postoperation of liver transplantation.

  MethodsFromJan. 2004 to Mar. 200530 cases underwent orthotopic liver allotransplantation were divided into two groups randomly. The patients in control group received routine transfusionwhile the patients in SHENFU injection groupbesides the routine transfusionreceived SHENFU injection as well. 

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  Results120 minutes after the SHENFU treatmentthe mean arterial pressureMAPof the patients was raised from 53121±8152mmHg to 75162±7158mmHgmeanwhile the heart rateHRdeclined from 11513±1312/min to 9011±712/min. At the same timethe contents of lactic acidIL26IL28 and TNF2αin the patients also declined from 9182 ±3196mmol/L89102 ±43175pg/ml58124 ±33161 pg/ml and 42133±28115pg/ml to 41312111mmol/L30108±25112pg/ml29183±20105pg/ml and 24152±15161pg/mlrespectively. Compared with the control groupthere existed significant differencesP<0.05.

  ConclusionsThe SHENFU injectionwhen be used on to the postoperative patients of liver transplantationmay improve the patients’MAP and HRdecline the contents of lactic acid and inflammatory factorsand alleviate the injury caused by postoperative circulation and ischemic reperfusion1

  Key wordsShenfu injectionliver transplantationreperfusion injury





  1.1 病例与分组  20041月~20053月在解放军总医院实施同种异体原位肝移植手术患者30例,男22例,女8例,年龄2759岁,平均4115岁。其中肝癌21例,肝硬化失代偿9例。随机分为2组,每组15例。两组患者在性别、年龄及原发病等方面差异无显著性,具有可比性。


  1.2 药物与方法  参附注射液为雅安三九药业有限公司产品,每毫升含人参皂甙0.5mg,乌头碱0.1mg。术毕患者入ICU后,对照组予以常规补液、对症支持等治疗;治疗组在此基础上立即加用参附注射液100ml静滴,滴注时间为3060min,滴注完毕后3060120min 时与对照组同时做指标观察。

  1.3 观察指标监测  心率(HR)、收缩压/舒张压(SBP/DBP)、平均动脉压(MAP),进行两组对比分析。取静脉血10ml3500r/min离心20min分离血清,-20℃贮存,用ELISA方法检测IL26IL28TNF2α水平;采用GEM2Premier3000血气/生化分析仪测定血乳酸


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  1.4 统计学处理  数据以X±s表示,治疗前后组间比较采用SPSS软件行配对t检验。

结 果

  2.1 MAPHR检测结果治疗前MAPHR 无显著性差异(P>0.05);治疗后,治疗组较对照组血压逐渐升高,平均动脉压和心率均有所改善(P<0.05,表1)。

  2.2 IL26IL28TNF2α及血乳酸测定结果治疗前IL26IL28TNF2α及血乳酸两组差异无显著性(P>0.05);治疗结束后60min120min治疗组的血乳酸水平和炎症因子(IL26IL28TNF2α)明显较对照组改善(P<0.05,表2)。

讨 论







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