来源: 2010-08-23 13:39:19

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Study of relationship between MAP and regional cerebral blood flow to pulse volume amplitude under controlled hypotension in mongrel dogs


张汝金1 安刚1 罗爱伦2 张亚军1

Zhang Rujin,An Gang,Luo Ailun,et al

Department of Anesthesiology,Plastic Surgery Hospital of CAMS & PUMC,Beijing 100041)



  Objective:To observe the relationship of MAP and regional cereral blood flow (rCBF) to pulse volume amplitude (PVA) under controlled hypotension.

  Methods:Mongrel dogs were intubated and mechanically ventilated with inhalation of isoflurane2N2O2O2 and continuous infusion of fentanyl and vecuronium. Cranial window was opened to fix the Laser2Doppler flowmetry(LDF) probe,and a clip2on Datex photoelectric plethysmography probe was placed at the lingua.Hypotension was achieved through nitroprusside infusion at MAP 60,50,40 and 35mmHg.

  Results:No significant corre2 lation was observed between rCBF index and PVA index at MAP80~35mmHg,neither did bwtween rCBF index and PVA index,while good correlation(r=-0.93,P<0.0005)was found between MAP and PVA index. An obvious uptrend (P<0.05)was detected until MAP decreased from control(80mmHg)to 46mmHg.

  Conclusions:Excellent correlation was found in MAP and PVA index at MAP80~35mmHg,while 46mm Hg is the turning point,but above control in the end. The rCBF in canine was intact even when MAP falls to 35mm Hg in our study.

  Key words:Controlled hypotension Cerebral blood flow Plethysmograph

  控制呼吸时,我们可以通过血气或呼吸末CO2分压(PETCO2)来监测调控每一个病人的呼吸参数而使肺通气达到最佳。但控制性低血压时,我们尚无有效的方法来个体化监测及确定病人的最适低压水平和组织灌注。现在,脉搏容积波技术已成功的用来无创监测外周组织血流和血压[123]。我们通过比较不同平均动脉压(MAP)时脉搏容积波幅(Pleth)与脑表面局部血流(rCBF)的关系,探讨Pleth在监测组织血供、确定个体最适低压水平方面的价值。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


  健康成年杂种犬6只,体重17.5~22.5kg。氯胺酮10mg/kg,肌注麻醉后,吸入N2O-O2-异氟醚(Iso)辅助气管插管并维持麻醉。在头静脉建立液体通道,芬太尼(2ug/kg-1/h-1)由输液泵控制输注,辅助镇痛。单次静脉维库溴铵0.1mg/kg后,注射泵1ug/kg-1/h-1持续输注维持肌松,控制呼吸,调节通气量将PETCO2维持于35~45mmHg。游离一侧股动脉置管监测血压;游离一侧颈外静脉置Swan2Ganz导管监测血流动力学;游离双侧股静脉管达下腔静脉输液及给药。用电钻于颅骨中线旁1.0cm顶叶处开窗1.0cm×1.0cm,用头皮夹及骨蜡减少出血。确认颅骨创缘不渗血后,剪开硬膜,暴露软脑膜,选择无可视血管处将激光多普勒(LDF)探头轻置于软脑膜表面;固定探头,四周纱布填塞,缝合创缘,保持头颈部固定。将Datex脉搏氧饱和度仪探头夹于舌部,再将舌体放回口腔,记录Pleth和SpO2值;膀胱穿刺留置尿管测尿量;食道温度探头测食道温,必要时用电暖气加温,保持室温20℃及食道温37~38 ℃。温生理盐水补充液体丢失量,佳乐施等量补充手术失血。操作完毕,稳定30min实验正式开始。




结 果




讨 论<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  激光多普勒(LDF)是近年来应用于无创测定组织血流灌注的仪器。Florence等[4]对家兔应用LDF发现控制性低血压时CBF的自动调节低限为40mmHg,其他学者[527]采用放血来降压也观察到在此血压下CBF降低,故实验中我们选择35mmHg作为最后的观察点。实验表明,在出血性低血压时,MAP低于对照值的65%即可造成CBF的自身调节作用消失[8]。本实验中,MAP下降至35mmHg,约达对照组40%,rCBF仍没有明显变化,表明硝普钠扩血管控制性降低血压60%,CBF自身调节机制仍然存在。据报道药物降压时CBF的自身调节曲线比出血性低血压时左移,反映了脑血流强大自动调节功能。但另一方面需要指出的是,CBF的自动调节功能是泛指脑灌注压在一定范围内波动时不引起脑血流的改变,脑血流一般是全脑血流的均值,局部脑血流只能监测探头所接触的局部血流,我们还不能绝对的说整个大脑灌注水平肯定没有改变,只能说明局部血流仍在调节范围内。实验中如果加用TCD(经颅多普勒) 作对照,就可下进一步的结论。





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