来源: 2010-08-24 11:31:22

A Clinical Observation on the General and Local Anesthesia for Mini-invasive Aspiration and Drainage of Intracerebral Hematoma
王力甚  王年云
李圣平  沈述威
湖北省荆州市中心医院麻科, 荆州 434020  
Lishen Wang,  Nianyun Wang,  Shengping Li and Shuwei Shen
Central Hospital of Jinzhou, Hubei 434020, China

 Objective: To approach the anesthetic technique for the mini-invasive drainage and aspiration of intracerebral hematoma.
 Methods: 18 cases of patients with hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage were studied. Local anesthesia with lidocaine was done at the puncture site through the scalp followed by intravenous injection of propofol until the patients had no limb movements. Bolus propofol was added during operation. SpO2 and the vital signs were monitored.
 Results: Anesthesia was satisfactory in all patients during surgery (35~55min) and the dosage of propofol was 100~280mg. The heart rate in only one patient decreased to 51 beats per minute but returned to normal  after intravenous atropine; SpO2 in 4 cases reduced transiently to below 90% but recovered soon after proper treatment. No patients needed tracheal intubation.
 Conclusion: Intravenous propofol plus local anesthesia used for the mini-invasive aspiration and drainage of intracerebral hematoma possesses such advantages as reliability, convenient adjustment and control, few adverse effects and reduced intracranial pressure. Therefore it's a good method for this kind of operation.
 Key words: Intracerebral hematoma; Surgery; Anesthesia; Propofol
 Corresponding author: Lishen Wang; slw_wls2000@yahoo.com.cn

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             二、结 果     


             三、讨 论    
  异丙酚无明显镇痛作用,在此类手术中需辅助局部麻醉来完成手术。其副作用包括注射过快或剂量过大时,可减慢自主呼吸、抑制膈肌收缩,甚至导致呼吸暂停,有的需行辅助呼吸[6] 。上呼吸道梗阻造成的鼾睡,是异丙酚麻醉中较常见的并发症。本研究中即有11例出现鼾睡。此时可抬起下颌,或用面罩加压给氧,往往收到明显的效果[7]。预防的方法是缓慢推药、密切观察,并备妥急救插管设备。

参 考 文 献
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5. Alkire MT, Haier RJ, Barker SJ, et al. Cerebral metabolism during propofol anesthesia in humans studied with positron emission tomography.Anestheisology,1995;82:393.
6. Fujii Y, Uemura A, Toyooka H. The dose-range effects of propofol on the contractility of fatigued diaphragm in dogs. Anesth analg,2001;93: 1194.
7. Mathru M, Esch O, Lang J, et al. Effects of propofol anesthesia and nasal continuous positive airway pressure in humans. Anesthesiology,1996;84:273.
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