来源: 2010-08-24 11:31:43

Clinical Observation of Continuous Infusion of  Atracurium in Patients Receiving Total Intravenous Anesthesia <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

邹伟1  高春霖2  薛玉良3
1中国石油天然气集团公司中心医院麻醉科, 廊坊065000;
Wei Zou*, Chun-lin Gao**, Yu-liang Xue#.
*Department of Anesthesiology, Central Hospital of China National Petroleum Corporation, Langfang
065000, China
**Department of anesthesiology,The Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300211, China
# Department of anesthesiology,TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital, Tianjin 300457, China


Objective: To examine the average infusion rate necessary to maintain approximately 90 %~99 % T1 suppression of homemade atracurium after a single bolus and followed by continuous infusion under total intravenous anesthesia.
  Methods:  80 patients undergoing elective surgical procedures were anesthetized with intravenous propofol and fentanyl. All patients received homemade atracurium 0.5mg•kg-1 to facilitate intubation.
The infusion was started when T1  return to 25%. During surgery, the infusion rate was regulated to maintain about 90 %~99 % T1 suppression. The infusion was discontinued approximately 20-min before the termination of operation. The average infusion rate necessary to maintain approximately 90 %~99 % T1 suppression was calculated. Onset time and duration of action of initial dose were recorded. Post tetanic count (PTC ) was used when no response to TOF stimulation. Recovery index and extubation time were observed after infusion. Double burst stimulation (DBS) and TR
were registered during extubating.
The average infusion rate was 5.1±0.4μg•kg-1•min-1 (0.20±0.02mg•m-2•min-1 ). Onset time and duration of action of initial dose were 203±47 s and 41.5±4.5 min, respectively. A close linear relation was found between T1 and the square root of  PTC (γ=-0.921, P<0.001). After termination of infusion, recovery index was 14.9±3.7 min, extubation time
was 44.1±6.1 min, and the DBS ratio was significantly correlated to the TR ratio (γ=0.930, P<0.001).  
Conclusions: With proper, optimal and quantitative measurement of neuromuscular transmission, homemade atracurium has proved eminently suitable for administration by infusion for surgical procedures.

  Key words: Atracurium; Continuous infusion; Total intravenous anesthesia
  Corresponding author: Wei Zou; E-mail: naonao0913@sina.com


临 床 资 料 与 方 法<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

1. 一般资料 
  择期全麻手术患者80例,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级,男56例,女24例,年龄18~60岁,体重45~80 kg。术前各项常规化验检查正常,心、肺、肝、肾功能无异常,无神经肌肉传导功能障碍性疾病,术前未用影响神经肌肉传导功能的药物。手术涉及颅内、头颈部、胸壁、上腹部及耳鼻喉科。
  2. 麻醉与监测 
  麻醉前30 min 肌注阿托品0.5 mg。入手术室后开放左侧肘正中静脉以固定给药部位。麻醉诱导采用咪唑安定0.04~0.05mg•kg-1,芬太尼2~4μg•kg-1,异丙酚1~1.5 mg•kg-1静脉注射。病人入睡后匀速推注国产阿曲库铵(江苏恒瑞医药股份有限公司生产)0.5mg•kg-1,20 s注毕,采用四个成串(TOF)刺激模式监测神经肌肉传递功能,待T1降至对照值的5 %以下时行气管内插管。气管插管后接麻醉机间歇正压通气,维持PetCO2 4.6~5.6 kPa,持续输注异丙酚6~10mg•kg-1•h-1,必要时单次追加静注芬太尼1~2μg•kg-1/次。TOF无反应期采用PTC模式,每8 min进行一次。待T1恢复至对照值的25 %时开始持续输注阿曲库铵维持肌松,设定初始速率为5μg•kg-1•min-1,待T1再次降至对照值的10 %以下时,调整输注速率以维持T1于对照值的1 %~10 %,术毕前20 min停止输注,任其自然恢复,术毕停止异丙酚输注。拔管时加入DBS模式,待病人TR(T4/T1)>70 %、潮气量大于400 ml、能够呼之睁眼并持续抬头5秒以上,即可常规吸痰拔除气管导管。计算维持T1 90 %~99 %抑制所需的国产阿曲库铵的平均输注速率。同时记录诱导剂量阿曲库铵起效时间(T1消失或达最大阻滞时间)、临床作用时间(T1恢复至对照值的25 %时间)、TOF无反应期PTC与T1首次出现时间。输注停止后记录恢复指数(持续输注停止后T1由对照值的25 %恢复至 75 %的时间)、拔管时TR值(T4/T1)、DBS值(D2/D1)及停止输注至拔管时间。肌松效果由手术医师评定,肌松效果良好,对手术无干扰为优,有干扰可接受手术为良,不能接受手术为差。术中连续监测无创血压、心电图、脉搏氧饱和度、PetCO2及鼻咽部温度,病人维持鼻咽温度于36~37℃,手术室温度调节在26~27℃间,全部静脉液体及冲洗液均水浴加热至36~37℃,以尽可能降低体温对阿曲库铵代谢的影响。
  3. 统计分析 
  所有数据以均数±标准差(±s)表示。分别用统计分析软件SPSS 12.0和数学软件MATLAB 6.5对上述观察指标进行描述性统计分析,P<0.05为统计学显著差异。


1. 阿曲库铵0.5mg•kg-1静脉诱导起效时间为203±47s,临床作用时间41.5±4.5min(见表1)。注药前后血流动力学稳定(见表2)。术中肌松效果优74例,良6例,差0例。术后常规随访,全组病人均无再箭毒化表现。
  2. 维持满意肌松国产阿曲库铵术中持续输注速率为5.1±0.4μg•kg-1•min-1(0.20±0.02mg•m-2•min-1)。停药至拔管时间44.1±6.1min,拔管时TR值0.72±0.03,DBS值0.77±0.04。
  3. 无反应期PTC与T1首次出现时间之间及拔管时TR值与DBS值之间均显著相关,表达为:t = 15.04-4.78(r =-0.921,P<0.001) DBS = -0.01+1.09×TR (r = 0.930,P<0.001,见图1,2)。

   论<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

阿曲库铵在体内不依赖肝肾代谢,主要经过特殊的 Hofmann 降解,降解产物无肌松作用。其独特的灭活方式,使之成为一种适于持续输注给药的非去极化肌松药。目前非去极化中短效肌松药多采用单次静脉注射给药,术中肌松程度不稳定,持续输注给药,血药浓度可维持在相对恒定水平,根据手术时间长短,随时调控。本研究中采用持续输注的方式维持术中肌松,计算出的平均输注速率、术中肌松满意程度、拔管条件、血流动力学稳定性与文献报道进口产品相近 [1~4]
  本研究采用的TOF肌松监测模式是目前临床广泛应用的神经肌肉传递功能监测方法,缺点是不能监测深度神经肌肉阻滞,监测神经肌肉阻滞后恢复过程的敏感性仍嫌不够。因此我们在研究中分别加入了PTC及DBS刺激模式。其中PTC刺激模式用于深度肌松TOF无反应时,PTC值越小,表示阻滞程度越深[5,6]。本研究PTC 与TOF刺激下T1首次出现时间两者之间呈高度负相关,提示根据PTC值还可预测TOF刺激肌颤搐出现时间,根据本试验结果,若测定PTC值为1,大约10 min后神经肌肉接头将对TOF刺激出现反应。因此我们在持续输注阿曲库铵期间,可根据PTC模式监测的结果,随时调整输注速率,控制术中肌松深度,便于安全地进行神经外科、显微外科或眼科等精细手术。
  临床一般把TOF刺激下TR >0.7作为神经肌肉阻滞恢复的标准,近来Kopman等[7]将神经肌肉阻滞恢复的标准调整到TR大于等于0.9,以进一步减少残余肌松引起的并发症,提高应用肌松药的安全性。本研究在神经肌肉阻滞恢复过程中加入DBS刺激模式,帮助测定肌松消退及判断残余肌松,以确保患者持续输注停止后不仅通气功能恢复正常,且充分恢复吞咽、咳嗽等气道保护功能。但本观察的预试验中绝大部分病人不易耐受DBS超强刺激,故在试验中仅记录拔管时DBS值。Nielsen和May[8]在一项关于持续输注阿曲库铵(0.4mg•kg-1•h-1)的临床研究中发现DBS3’3与TR之间存在显著的相关性,本观察结果与此相似。持续输注停止后,肌松恢复迅速而完全,拔管后全部病人均无再箭毒化表现。

参 考 文 献
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4. Pedersed NA, Ostergaard D, Olsen JS, et al. Infusion of mivacurium and atracurium guided by manual tactile evaluation. Vgeskr Laeger  2000;162(48):6532-5
5. Viby-Mogensen J. Neuromuscular Monitoring (chapter 39). In: Miller RD, Anesthesia, Fourth edition. New York: Churchill Livingstone Inc. 1994:731-1361
6. El-Orbany MI,Joseph NJ, Salem MR. The relationship of posttetanic count and train-of-four responses during recovery from intense cisatracurium-induced neuromuscular blockade. Anesth Analg 2003;97(1):80-4
7. opman AF, Yee PS,Neuman GG. Relationship of train-of-four fade ratio to clinical signs and symptoms of residual paralysis in awake volunteers. Anesthesiology 1997;86(4):765-71
8. Nielsen HK, May O. Double burst stimulation for monitoring profound neuromuscular blockade: a comparison with posttetanic count and train of four. Acta Anaesthesiol Belg 1994;43(4):253-7
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