疼痛治疗 >文章正文
疼痛治疗 >文章正文
Development of Phantom Limb Pain<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 张英民* 孙雪峰* 郑恒兴# ABSTRACT It is reviewed in this article that the clinical characters of phantom limb pain and the new studies in its mechanisms and treatments. A series of mechanisms are involved in generating phantom pains including elements in the periphery, spinal cord and brain. It is likely that the first events occur in the periphery, which subsequently generates a cascade of events that sweep more centrally and also recruit cortical brain structure. It is supposed that the reorganization of the somtosensory cortex in brain may be the main mechanism of phantom pain. The mirror technique is now used in the treatment of phantom pain and is thought to be a very prospective method. But this treatment should be verified more extensively both in laboratory and in clinic. 疼痛是医学及神经生物学界面临的一大挑战,仅在我国就困扰着数以万计的患者。虽然在过去的十年中,关于疼痛机制和诊疗的研究取得了相当的成绩,但尚无突破性进展。由于对不同类型疼痛的发生机制的研究不够深入,所以在临床上对于各种疼痛,尤其是最常见的慢性疼痛还缺乏更有针对性的治疗措施。幻肢痛是一种顽固的慢性痛,其临床发病率占截肢患者的50%- 80%[1]。在我国,每年因创伤、肿瘤、血管疾病等截肢的患者就达十万多例。这种疼痛极难治疗,不仅给这些患者造成很大的痛苦,而且也带来了严重的社会问题。本文主要讨论幻肢痛的临床特征、发病机制及其治疗。 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 一、 临床特征 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> (二)脊髓改变 三、 幻肢痛的治疗 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> (二) 非药物治疗 参 考 文 献 |