疼痛治疗 >文章正文
疼痛治疗 >文章正文
Pharmacologic Effects of Low-dose Antagonists of Opioid Receptor<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />赵丽云 博士研究生 ABSTRACT Systemic administration of opioid analgesics such as morphine remains the most effective means of alleviating severe pain. However, their clinical use has been limited by undesirable side-effects.Pre-clinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that extremely low dose of opioid receptor antagonists can markedly enhance the efficacy and specificity of morphine and related opioid analgesics. Opioid receptor antagonists ,e.g. naloxone, naltrexone and nalmefene, markedly enhance morphine's antinociceptive potency and attenuate opioid tolerance and dependence by their antagonisms of GS-coupled excitatory opioid receptor functions. These studies indicate that clinical treatment of pain can be significantly improved by administering morphine or other conventional opioid analgesics together with appropriately low dose of an excitatory opioid receptor antagonist. |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 近年来,临床和临床前期的研究证实,伍用极低剂量的阿片受体拮抗剂明显增加了吗啡及阿片类相关药物的镇痛效能。相关的研究证实(离体和在体实验)伍用极低剂量临床应用范围内的纳洛酮、纳曲酮拮抗了具有兴奋作用的与GS蛋白耦联的阿片受体,从而增加了吗啡的抗伤害性,增加了其镇痛效能,降低了其耐受性和依赖性,这些实验为术后病人疼痛治疗中吗啡伍用小剂量的纳洛酮、纳曲酮、纳美酚提供了分子生物学机制,表明术后适当合用小剂量兴奋性阿片受体拮抗剂有重要的临床意义。 一、阿片受体 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 2. 在体试验 三、临床方面的资料 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 总之,临床和临床前期试验均证实了纳洛酮、纳曲酮、纳美酚对GS蛋白耦联的阿片受体的兴奋效应有选择性的抑制作用,这些结果似乎与传统的阿片类药物的药代学观点相悖,但多方面的研究显示出的共同结果提示临床疼痛的治疗可采用阿片受体激动剂伍用适当剂量的阿片受体拮抗剂, 如纳洛酮、纳曲酮、纳美酚。有些学者对小剂量阿片受体拮抗剂在增加吗啡作用的同时是否也增加吗啡的呼吸抑制作用提出了疑问,但一系列的基础及临床试验均显示了小剂量的纳洛酮、纳曲酮、纳美酚不仅增加了大剂量吗啡的镇痛效能,而且并未有导致任何呼吸抑制增加的征象[14]。但是这种伍用的方法对于长期应用阿片类药物进行疼痛治疗的病人须严密监护,以避免出现由于小剂量拮抗药导致的戒断症状。
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