来源: 2010-08-23 14:32:43

Comparison of Patient-controlled Epidural Analgesia with Different Concentrations of Ropivacaine and Fentanyl after Cesarean Section<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


岳红丽  医学硕士  马 宁  医学博士  李树人  教授
首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院麻醉科,北京  100050

Hongli yue,Ning Ma,Shuren Li
Department of Anesthesiology, Beijing Frienship Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, 100050

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  Objective: To evaluate the proper concentration of ropivacaine(Ropi)during patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) after cesarean section by comparing the effects of varied concentrations of Ropi and fentanyl(F).
Methods: 160 ASA I-II primiparaes undergoing cesarean section (two anesthetic methods: CEA or CSEA)were divided into 8 groups randomly to receive PCEA: CEA group (E0: controlled group; E1:0.0625%Ropi+2μg/ml F;E2:0.1%Ropi+2μg/ml F;E3:0.125% Ropi+2μg/ml F).CSEA group(S0:controlled group; S1:0.0625%Ropi+2μg/ml F; S2:0.1%Ropi+2μg/ml F; S3:0.125% Ropi+2μg/ml F).Visual analogue scores of pain in 0~2h、2~4h、4~8h、8~16h、16~24h and 24~48h, degree of motor block, PCA total demands and effective demands, consumption of Ropi and F, occurrence of nausea, vomiting and other side effects among groups were observed postoperatively. Results: The exhausting time and post-delivery indexes among groups were similar. Accompanied with the increase of concentration, the total dosage of Ropi increased, whereas the consumption of F, PCA total demands and effective demands decreased (P<0.05).In CEA groups, the pain scores in static status and movement gradually decreased (P<0.05), and the lower extremity strength were regained in 4h(P<0.05).In CSEA groups, accompanied with the concentration of Ropi increased, the pain scores in static status and movement gradually decreased(P<0.05)except for the 0~2h phase, but the difference between 0.1% and 0.125% was not significant(P>0.05);The recovery of lower extremity strength was delayed and there were marked differences among groups (P<0.05).Compared with CEA, the VAS was lower in CSEA when administered with the same concentration of Ropi (P<0.05).
Conclusion: ①PCEA with 0.0625%,0.1or 0.125%Ropi and F 2μg/ml can produce analgesia to various degrees without serious side effects; ②When PCEA with Ropi and F was proceeded post-cesarean section, among three concentrations above, the suitable one is 0.125%Ropi+2μg/ml F after CEA whereas 0.1%Ropi+2μg/ml F after CSEA.
  Key Words: Concentration; Ropivacaine; PCEA; Cesarean section



资料和方法<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  我院产科择期行剖宫产的足月初产妇,年龄23~35岁,ASA I~II级,妊娠后无镇痛药、镇静药用药史者。

  E0 硬膜外空白对照组,
  E1 0.0625%罗哌卡因+芬太尼(2μg/ml),
  E2 0.1%罗哌卡因+芬太尼(2μg/ml),
  E3 0.125%罗哌卡因+芬太尼(2μg/ml);
  S0 联合针空白对照组,
  S1 0.0625%罗哌卡因+芬太尼(2μg/ml),
  S2 0.1%罗哌卡因+芬太尼(2μg/ml),
  S3 0.125%罗哌卡因+芬太尼(2μg/ml)。
  3、产妇左侧卧位,穿刺点为L2~3。随机实施硬膜外阻滞(CEA)或腰麻-硬膜外联合阻滞(CSEA)。CEA组行硬膜外穿刺,向头侧置管3.5cm;硬膜外腔应用2%利多卡因+1:200 000肾上腺素,将感觉阻滞平面控制在T6±1(针刺法);术中不加用其他麻醉性镇痛药。CSEA组于蛛网膜下腔向尾或向地给予1%地卡因+10%葡萄粮+3%麻黄碱(1:1:1混合液)2ml,给药后常规置入硬膜外导管;调整感觉阻滞平面达T6±1(针刺法),根据阻滞效果决定是否追加硬膜外局麻药。


参 考 文 献<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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