疼痛治疗 >文章正文
疼痛治疗 >文章正文
Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
赵宏利 Hongli Zhao 硕士研究生 ABSTRACT Trigeminal neuralgia is a sudden, usually unilateral, severe, brief, stabbing, recurrent pain in the distribution of more branches of the fifth cranial nerve. The etiology and mechanism of trigeminal neuralgia are not completely understood. There are many kinds of treatments but none is perfect. These treatments include pharmacotherapy, trigeminal nerve or trigeminal ganglion block, percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation, stereotactic radiotherapy and surgical therapy. Many medicines are used for trigeminal nerve or trigeminal ganglion bloke, such as alcohol, glycerol and adriamycin etc. Surgical therapy include microvascular decompression and so on.
三叉神经痛(trigeminal neuralgia, TN)是累及面部限于三叉神经的一支或几支分布区反复发作性短暂而剧烈的疼痛,发病率随年龄增加而增高,通常在中老年发病,60岁以上人群的发病率最高。三叉神经痛的病因和发病机理尚未完全明确,所以当前有各种各样的治疗方法。 |
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 一、药物治疗 |
常用0.5~1%阿霉素进行神经干阻滞,第 I 支0.3~0.4ml,第 II 支0.4~0.5ml,第 III 支0.3~0.6ml。阿霉素神经干阻滞疼痛完全消失或明显减轻者占66.7~89.9%。梁景文等[21]报道用1%阿霉素0.2~0.3ml进行三叉神经末梢支阻滞(第 I 支注射部位为眶上神经孔,第 II 支为眶下神经孔,第 III 支为颏孔),总有效率90%,对单支末梢性疼痛和单支根性疼痛疗效较好。阿霉素神经干阻滞3年复发率0.3~7.1%,3~5年复发率为12.2~16%,8年复发率21%。复发患者的症状较前减轻,发作次数和持续时间减少。第 II 支的复发率最高,可能是由于 II 支分支较多,药物有效注射剂量少[22],三叉神经末梢支阻滞,2年随访复发率为20%。 三、经皮射频热凝术(percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation, PRTF) |
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