来源: 2010-08-23 13:37:02


Effect of protective ventilation and open lung strategy on extravascular lung water in rabbit with acute respiratory distress syndrome<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



陈永铭 杨毅 邱海波 李家琼 黄英姿 徐晓婷


CHEN Yongming,YANG Yi,QIU Hai-bo,et al. Department of Critical Care Medicine,Zhong-Da

Hospital and School of Clinical Medicine,Southeast University,Nanjing 210009,China



  Objective:To determine the effect of protective ventilation and open lung strategy on extravascular lung water (EVLW) in rabbit with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

  Methods:Saline-lavaged anesthetized ARDS rabbits were divided into(1)moderate tidal volume(VT)zero end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) group(MVZP):VT12ml/kg,PEEP 0cmH2O;(2)low VT zero PEEP group (LVZP):VT 6ml/kg,PEEP 0cmH2O;(3)low VT best PEEP group (LVBP):VT 6ml/kg,PEEP 0cmH2O;(4)low VT best PEEP + sustained inflation(SI) group (LVBP+SI):VT 6ml/kg,PEEP 10cmH2O + SI. Extravascular lung water index (EVLWI) was measured by single indicator thermodilution technique at 0,1,2 and 3 hour after ARDS model was met. Hemodynamics,pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange were observed at the same time.


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  Results:In the MVZP,LVZP,LVBP,and LVBP+SI groups,EVLWI at ARDS model were significantly more than those at base(26.7±4.8,19.5±4.0,20.7±8.0,23.8±5.7 vs 11.3±2.4,10.2±2.4,10.3±4.6,9.7±2.3ml/kg,P>0.05),and EVLWI at 0h were equal as those at ARDS model(P>0.05). There were no significantly difference between EVLWI at base,ARDS,0h of the four groups(P>0.05). In the observed 3 hours,at MVZP group,EVLWI at 2,3h were higher than that of 0h(32.0±12.2,36.2±12.4 vs 22.3±5.6ml/kg,P<0.05). At group LVZP group were also higher than that of 0h (27.8±12.9,30.3±13.0 20.0±3.8ml/kg,P<0.05). At LVBP group,EVLWI at 1h was 18.5±8.1 ml/kg and was lower than 25.7±9.7 ml/kg of 0h(P<0.05). At LVBP+SI group,EVLWI at 1,2,3h were lower than that of 0h (16.8±6.5,18.0±7.1,15.7±2.7 vs 22.5±6.2ml/kg,P<0.05). In the observed 3 hours,there were significantly different between the four groups at 1,3h(P<0.05). At 1h,compared with the EVLWI of MVZP group,those of LVBP and LVBP+SI group were significantly decreased(P<0.05). And at 3h,compared with the EVLWI of MVZP group,that of LVBP+SI group was significantly decreased(P<0.05).

  Conclusions:Lung protective ventilation and open lung strategy could significantly decrease EVLWI.

  Key words:Protective ventilation;Respiratory distress syndrome;Acute;Extravascular lung water;Rabbit


  急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)是由于机体过度炎症反应对肺组织直接损伤而引起的高通透性肺水肿,肺水增加是ARDS 重要的病理生理改变。随着人们对ARDS病理生理的认识,提出了肺保护性通气策略即采用小潮气量(VT)最佳呼气末正压(PEEP)对ARDS进行机械通气,同时用肺复张手法促使塌陷的肺泡复张,以避免肺泡的过度膨胀和肺泡的反复塌陷复张。研究表明肺保护性通气策略可降低ARDS的病死率[1]。但肺保护性通气策略对ARDS肺水的影响如何目前并不清楚。本研究利用家兔ARDS模型,通过监测血管外肺水(EVLW),探讨肺保护性通气策略对ARDS家兔EVLW的影响。



  1.1 材料




  家兔经戊巴比妥钠(30mg/kg)麻醉,置入右颈内静脉和右股动脉导管,气管切开,置入直径4.5mm的气管插管,接呼吸机(Puritan-Bennett 840),采用容量控制通气,VT12ml/kg,PEEP 0 cmH2O (1 cmH2O=0.098 kPa),吸气时间0.6s,呼吸频率30次/min,动物稳定后,经气管插管向肺内灌入37°C的生理盐水(25ml/kg),约1min后吸出,间隔10min后重复灌洗,共灌洗3~7次。当氧合指数 (PaO2/FiO2) < 60mmHg (1mmHg=0.133kPa),动态顺应性 (Cdyn)下降>50%,并能保持1h以上时,则到达模型。实验过程中,持续静脉泵入戊巴比妥钠(1mg/kg/h),间断静推维库溴胺 (200μg/kg),使家兔处于全麻和肌松状态。实验过程中输液速度保持在6ml/kg/h。


  1.3 动物分组

  ARDS模型建立后,分为 (1) 中等VT零PEEP组(MVZP),VT=12ml/kg,PEEP=0cmH2O;(2) 小VT零PEEP组(LVZP),VT=6ml/kg,PEEP=0cmH2O,(3) 小VT 最佳PEEP组(LVBP),VT=6ml/kg,PEEP = 10cmH2O;(4) 小VT 最佳PEEP+控制性肺膨胀(SI)组(LVBP+SI),VT=6ml/kg,PEEP=10cmH2O加上SI。


  1.4 实验观察与实施

  1.4.1 各组按相应条件机械通气3h,监测基础值、达到模型时(ARDS)和通气0、1、2、3h 各时点EVLWI、血流动力学及血气分析指标。

  1.4.2 SI的实施,CPAP 30cmH2O持续20s,在LVBP+SI 组0、1、2、3h各实施一次。

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  1.5 监测指标

  1.5.1 EVLWI的测定,经右颈内静脉置中心静脉导管,接温度探头后与PiCCO仪(Pulsion,German)连接,右股动脉置PiCCO动脉导管并与PiCCO仪连接,经中心静脉导管注射4~10℃生理盐水3ml,利用单指示剂法原理测定EVLWI。

  1.5.2 肺气体交换,经股动脉导管抽取动脉血,进行动脉血气分析(Nova M,Nova),测定动脉血pH值、动脉血氧分压 (PaO2)、动脉血二氧化碳分压 (PaCO2),计算氧合指数 (PaO2/FiO2)。

  1.5.3 血流动力学,监测仪 (1500型,Spacelab) 持续监测家兔心电图,记录心率 (HR)。经股动脉导管持续监测平均动脉压 (MAP)。

  1.5.4 呼吸力学 通过呼吸机监测面板监测气道峰值压 (PIP),通过VT/(PIP -PEEP) 计算肺动态顺应性 (Cdyn)。


  1.6 统计学方法

  数据以均值±标准差 (x±s) 表示,统计学处理采用SPSS11.5软件进行单因素方差分析,样本均数间的两两比较采用q检验。PaO2进行前后和组间比较采用Friedman M检验,两两比较采用q检验。


  2 结 果


  MVZP组、LVZP组、LVBP组和LVBP+SI组EVLWI在达到ARDS模型时显著升高 (P<0.05),稳定1h后,在实验观察0h EVLWI与达到ARDS模型时相比无显著差异(P>0.05)。在基础、ARDS模型与实验观察0h三个时点各组EVLWI相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

  在实验观察3h中,四组EVLWI在1、2、3h 各时点均较基础值显著增加(P<0.05)。MVZP组EVLWI在2h与3h与0h相比较显著增加(32.0±12.2、36.2±12.4 vs 22.3±5.6ml/kg,P<0.05)。LVZP组EVLWI在2 h、 3h与0h相比较显著增加(27.8±12.9、30.3±13.0 vs 20.0±3.8ml/kg,P<0.05)。LVBP组在1h时EVLWI为18.5±8.1 ml/kg,与0h 25.7±9.7ml/kg相比较显著降低 (P<0.05)。LVBP+SI组在1、2、3h 各时点EVLWI分别为16.8±6.5、18.0±7.1和15.7±2.7ml/kg,与0h 22.5±6.2ml/kg相比均有显著性降低(P<0.05)。在实验观察3h中以上四组在实验观察1h与3h组间有显著性差异(P<0.05)。实验观察1h时与MVZP组相比,LVBP组与LVBP+SI组EVLWI显著降低(P<0.05)。实验观察3h时与MVZP组相比LVBP+SI组EVLWI显著降低(P<0.05)(表1,图1)。


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