来源: 2010-08-24 11:30:26

A Comparative Study of Combined Spinal-epidural Anesthesia with Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine in Cesarean Section  <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />




中国福利会国际和平妇幼保健院麻醉科,上海  200030

Puwen Zhao, Yongping Shi and Dasong Yu

The International Peace Maternity and Child Health Hospital of the China Welfare Institute, Shanghai, 200030 

  Objective:  To investigate dose-response relationship of ropivacaine for combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in cesarean section, and to determine the effects of ropivacaine for combined spinal-epidural anesthesia on the cardiovascular system and side-effects as compared with bupivacaine.

  Methods:  120 primiparae (ASA-) scheduled for elective cesarean section were divided into four groups: group (n=30) received ropivacaine 9mg𔅖ml-1 for spinal anesthesia; group (n=30) received ropivacaine 12mg𔅖ml-1 for spinal anesthesia; group (n=30) received ropivacaine 15mg𔅖ml-1 for spinal anesthesia; group (n=30) received bupivacaine 10mg𔅖ml-1 for spinal anesthesia. During operation when spinal analgesia was inadequate, 2% lidocaine was supplemented via epidural catheter. Blood pressure, heart rate and SpO2 were monitored. The onset time of analgesia, the height of sensory block(pin prick), Apgar score for neonates and side-effects were recorded.

  Results:  Among the four groups ,the age, height, weight, pregnant weeks were similar before the operation(p>0.05). The MAP was declined among the four groups after anesthesia. There was no significant difference in MAP during anesthesia on same time among the four groups(p>0.05). The onset time of analgesia and the height of sensory block were similar among the four groups. The effect of anesthesia was satisfied for group,,. There were 8 patients to require 2% lidocaine(6.75±1.62ml) via epidural catheter in group because the spinal analgesia was inadequate. The incidence of hypotension and bradycardia were not statistically significant among the four groups. The incidence of nausea and vomit were significantly higher in group than that in groupand .       

  Conclusions:  The anesthetic efficacy of 12mg, 15mg ropivacaine were similar with combined spinal-epidural anesthesia in cesarean section  as compared with 10mg bupivacaine.The dosage of ropivacaine didn't affecte the onset time of analgesia and the height of sensory block for spinal.

  Key words: Ropivacaine; Bupivacaine; Combined Spinal-epidual Anesthesia; Cesarean Section

  Corresponding author: Puwen Zhao, MD; zhaopw2002@yahoo.com.cn 


    产妇分组: 120例行剖宫产术的初产妇,ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级,随机等分为四组,Ⅰ组(n=30)腰麻用药为罗哌卡因9mg•2ml-1;Ⅱ组(n=30)腰麻用药为罗哌卡因12mg•2ml-1;Ⅲ组(n=30)腰麻用药为罗哌卡因15mg•2ml-1;Ⅳ组 (n=30) 腰麻用药为布比卡因10mg•2ml-1;四组局麻药均用0.9%的生理盐水稀释至2ml,四组产妇均无严重内科和产科并发症。
    方法: 麻醉前开放静脉,输入平衡液300ml-500ml。用一点法腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉,L3-4穿刺,腰麻注药时间20s-30s,硬膜外腔向头端置管3cm,术中持续鼻导管吸氧,麻醉效果不足时硬膜外腔追加2%利多卡因,术毕经硬膜外导管行病人自控镇痛(PCA)。当收缩压低于 90mmHg(1kpa=7.5mmHg)时,麻黄碱10mg静注。
    统计学处理  所有数据均用SPSS10.0统计软件包进行处理。数据用均数±标准差表示。组间用独立样本t检验,组内用配对t检验,比率用卡方检验,P<0.05为有显著性差异。
                          结   果

  一般情况  四组产妇在年龄、身高、体重和孕周等方面均无差异(p>0.05)。术中ECG, SpO2未见异常,见表1。

  循环系统  四组产妇注药后各观察时间段MAP均有下降,与注药前MAP比较有显著性差异(p<0.01),罗哌卡因组与布比卡因组同一时间段MAP下降幅度无显著性差异(p>0.05),见表2。

  痛觉阻滞  四组麻醉起效时间及手术前后最高感觉阻滞平面相似(p>0.05),剖宫产术历时30分钟-50分钟,术后测最高感觉阻滞平面均较术前高1-2脊髓阶段,见表3。术中Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组腰麻麻醉效能均能达到手术满意要求,Ⅰ组有8例麻醉效果不满意,硬膜外腔追加2%利多卡因(6.75±1.62ml)。
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不良反应  四组产妇低血压、心动过缓、恶心呕吐、颤抖的发生率,见表4。四组产妇均无术后头痛。

  在麻醉质量方面 ,12mg ,15mg 罗哌卡因与10mg布比卡因在腰麻下行剖宫产术的麻醉效能相近,三组产妇的麻醉镇痛效果均满意,而9mg罗哌卡因腰麻有30%的产妇麻醉镇痛效果差,需硬膜外追加局麻药。在研究中发现,当罗哌卡因用量逐渐增加,其感觉阻滞的起效时间及阻滞扩散范围几乎不受局麻药用量的影响,与Brockway等[5]和Wolff等[6]报道罗哌卡因硬膜外麻醉的试验结果相似,同时他们还发现随罗哌卡因用量的增加,运动和感觉阻滞的持续时间随之延长,运动阻滞的程度也增加。


  在胎儿影响方面,麻醉前后四组产妇的胎儿心率无病理性变化;新生儿Apgar 1min,5min评分为8-10分,未发现对新生儿有不良影响。 

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